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Kendall & Kylie Jenner: Half-Nude, All Over Each Other In Bizarre Photo Shoot

Earlier this week, Kendall Jenner stripped down for a sultry photo set that received high praise from her Instagram followers.
But this was no mere thirst trap.
Kendall took it all off to announce a collaboration with her sister Kylie.

Now, KendallKendall took it all off to announce a collaboration with her sister Kylie. is getting in on her sister's lucrative hustle with a collaborative palette that went on sale Friday morning.
The KENDALL X KYLIE line is not the first creative collaboration between the sisters.
But it does mark the beginning of Kendall's involvement with her sister's 10-figure makeup brand.
Naturally, the sisters celebrated their partnership with a risque photoshoot.
And once again, they made some fans uneasy with their borderline-incestuous display of sisterly affection.
"I am so excited to finally show you the Kendall Kylie collection we've been working on for so long," Kendall wrote of the project on Instagram.
"I've been so excited to finally collaborate with my sister," she added.
Apparently, the new line was supposed to debut quite a while ago, but was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
"So yeah, with everything going on, it's been pushed back a lot," Kendall continued.
"So I'm very happy to finally be showing you guys."
As with all Kar-Jenner clan projects, the line will set you back a little more than comparable products without a famous name attached.
But when you compare the cost of KENDALL X KYLIE to what Kendall and Kylie spend on their own beauty regimens ... well, we think it's safe to say you'll feel downright frugal by comparison.
According to a new report from The Sun, Kylie spends more than  $140,000 a month on hair, makeup, lashes and nails.
Kendall, meanwhile, only drops $25,500 on her look each month.
We're not sure what accounts for the massive discrepancy in beauty budgets
But it may help explain why the sisters are so very close in their latest photoshoot.
Maybe Kendall is hoping some of Kylie's costly chemicals will literally rub off on her.
We kid, of course.
There's a simple explanation for why the Jenners are all over each other in these pics:
It's a surefire way to capture the internet's attention -- and you don't get to be a 22-year-old billionaire without knowing a thing or two about marketing

Source - thehollywoodgossip

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