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J Balvin Pleads With The Latinx Community To Stand With Their Black ‘Brothers And Sisters’ Amid ‘Black Lives Matter’ Protests – ‘Do Better!’

The reggaeton singer took to his platform to encourage the Latinx community to use their voices and show support to the Black Lives Matter movement! This comes amid huge outrage over the senseless murder of George Floyd.

Furthermore, to show solidarity to the victims of racism and police brutality, J Balvin also joined the Blackout Tuesday protest online.

His post is bilingual, writing in both English and Spanish that while he is someone who likes to bring light, love and joy to people, at this time, ‘levity and celebration’ seem out of place.

‘Rather, this is the time to educate myself as well as my loved ones and to take action. After taking some time to speak with those close with me, I’m educating myself on the deep significance and the horrifying history that’s the root of the #blacklivesmatter movement,’ he went on to explain.

The man then promised to do better as a human being, artist with a public platform as well as a Latino person!

‘I appreciate that it’s my responsibility as a leader in the Latino community to educate myself about the plight of Black citizens in America – to learn about all their struggles and ongoing, systemic racism they face every day; and more importantly, to learn how I can be a better ally and to help change the system through my voice and actions,’ his statement reads.

And since the Latinx community is also a minority that often faces discrimination in the States, he encouraged people part of it to help the Black community during this hard time as much as they would want to be helped themselves.

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#lasvidasnegrasimportan #blacklivesmatter

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There are not enough words to express the millions of emotions Ive been feeling as a member of the overall minority community, but most importantly as an ally to the black communities that have and still are being directly affected by past and present events. I am proud of the people I follow and fans that I see reposting resources – to better themselves, to bring awareness and to uplift one another and stand in solidarity. But I urge you all to consider who you are offline and what else we can do, to not just place bandaids on gun shot wounds. To those who are not talking about this with friends, family, fans – YOU are part of the systemic problem. If you are not outraged and heartbroken by the fact that BLACK LIVES have been shamelessly killed for far too long, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. If you aren’t furious about “leaders” in powerful positions, threatening VIOLENCE on their own people and promoting racism, YOU ARE PART OF THE FUCKING PROBLEM. I stand with #blacklivesmatter. & if you too stand against racism, I ask you to please visit the link in my bio. It will lead you to some of the petitions, phone numbers, and other useful resources that are working to help the overall cause. Please join me in elevating the voices the system has tried to silence for too long. https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/#

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‘We know as a minority ourselves, a small part of the pain they live each and every day – let’s help our brothers and sisters,’ Balvin encouraged.

Sure enough, plenty other Latin artists have been supporting the BLM movement already! Check out some other posts from stars such as Becky G, Ricky Martin and Jencarlos Canela, above!

source https://celebrityinsider.org/j-balvin-pleads-with-the-latinx-community-to-stand-with-their-black-brothers-and-sisters-amid-black-lives-matter-protests-do-better-402910/

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