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Nigerians drag Olamide over new “Wonma” music video where he portrayed nurses as ‘sexual objects’ (VIDEO)

Popular Nigerian singer/rapper and label boss, Olamide, was recently dragged on social media over the music video he shot for one of his hit track – Wonma.
In the video, some nurses are seen engaging in x-rated activities while on duty and this elicited the wide range of criticisms from social media users.
Olamide was lambasted because the video was deemed to be contributing to the infamous practice of sexualizing nurses.
A twitter user known asLakesyde wrote ;
8hours shift, 12hours over- night shift on ward, on duty at least 5days in a week, Caring and looking after the welfare of people that don’t know u or gives a damn about you, and still receiving a shitty pay at the end of the month, nd this is deserved? #nursesarenotsexualobjects
Following the heavy critisicm he face, Olamide proceeded to take the video down.
Reacting to this, another twitter user wrote ;
I like how the Nurses raged over Olamide’s video sexualizing nurses. In 24hours,the video has been taken down. That’s seriousness and unity. If a profession is poorly portrayed by an entertainer, the sensible thing to do is to speak in one voice
Nursing world Nigeria, a site that connects Nigerian nurses, also released a statement on the issue ;
Thanks to everyone who took time to report and request that the video by @Olamide posted on Instagram be taken down.
While we acknowledge the fact that @Olamide has brought the sounds and beats of Nigeria and Africa to the world at large, the fact still remains that
@Olamide recent music video misrepresents and totally disrespects the Nursing profession and healthcare providers. With a video WONMA depicting nurses as sextoys and sex objects to over 3.4M and 6.9M followers on @Twitter, @AppleMusic and @instagram.
It was heartbreaking to say the least.
To those who also made the calls and desired to remain unnamed we also appreciate you.
To everyone who used the hashtag: #NursesAreNotSexualObjects we also say thank you
The video has now been removed
Nurses Are No Sexual Objects
This won’t be the first time Nigerian music artiste, Olamide would be outed on social media over his music. The singer is known to drive controversy with his music from time to time, it should be recalled that when he released “Science student” in 2019, he was lambasted for promoting drug abuse. He however, went on to release a music video to counter the claims and give the impression that his music was misunderstood.
Watch the video below;
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